I thought I was the only one with this syndrome.
But this is not the case.
It is a worldwide syndrome. Incubation varies between a week to a few months. Contagion happens mostly among close friends. Not painful .No cure found so far.
I am talking about the "Giraffite". Alexandra, a friend of mine found the name.
I have had it for close to a year now and it is taking over my life and my dreams. I still remember one of those dreams very vividly: I was visiting an art store to see if they would agree to sell Sophies. They agreed and all was fine. But when I went back I saw that they had decapitated Sophie and place her head on top of some "thing" and they were telling me how much more artistic and better that was. And of course I was horrified and soooo relieved when I woke up.
Some of my friend have had the Giraffite syndrome for the past months,others discovered they had it just recently.... and those are only the ones who are brave enough to admit it !!
And all of it because of Sophie The Giraffe!
I wrote earlier "Giraffes...more than meet the eyes" . I did not know how true that was especially with Specimen Sophie Hagirafa! She is more than an organic teether for babies, she is slowly taking over our minds and can strike at any moment. ^__^
Let me illustrate the Giraffite:
Case 1: A. whose youngest child is now three, could not give it a rest and took half a day of her busy life to rumage through storages boxes three floors down looking for her Sophie. Why this frenzy? She could not find any baby pix of her children gnawing on that little giraffe....and simply had to send me pix.

Case 2: S. in spite of her transcontinental travelling found herself irremediably attracted by some occult forces to stores she had no reason to go in. What did she find in one of them? A stamp to make Sophies! Not only she had to buy it but also to use it as soon as possible.... and she enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!
Case 3: V. went grocery shopping for her family. What pasta did she happen to buy and cook that very night? Yep! Giraffes pasta! It is almost criminal ^__^ Who knew such pasta existed!
Case 4: J. an energetic lady and a proud grandma who never takes any pix because it is the job of her husband did the unexpected: she took the camera and shoot a picture of one of her grand-children in action with Sophie. Much to her own surprise D. simply could not resist the Force of Sophie La Girafe and the picture is very good!
Case 5 : Even though she has already 2 cats,a partner and a demanding job, M. decided to get another pet. I let you guess who it is and I can assure you the new pet has become the Queen of the premises!

Case 6: D. admitted she dreamt of Sophie those past nights. She does not understand why! She is in the middle of selling her home for an international move, she has no babies,only pre-teens and all she dreams about is Sophie La Girafe in which she spends her dreams explaining who Sophie the Giraffe is to a friend of hers!
Case 7: While in the middle of exams, classes, university choices C. could not stop thinking about Sophie La Girafe and dropped everything to participate in a competition to get that unique T-shirt! He made many people jealous too ^__^
Case 8: D. an artist of great talent and no time for futility is now hooked on painting a Giraffe. She got contaminated by one tiny inconspicuous question V. asked her: "D. can you paint a giraffe?" And that was it. D. feels she must now paint a giraffe. The call is stronger than anything else! ( as soon as I see the painting, I will share it with you!)
Case 9: O. and M. (very respectable professional adults) were visiting us and in the course of the discussion I showed them Sophie the Giraffe and Chan, Pie and Gnon. Suddenly an impromptu concert of squeaking took place! Both had a sudden onset of Giraffite that only music (I did not say noise) could calm! I wish I had filmed them to show you the incredible recital they gave us!
Case 10: G. a young high-tech career guy, no kid, found himself in an elevator with a couple and a baby. He thinks he hears them talking about teether and immediately starts telling them about Sophie The Giraffe. Of course noone had mentionned the word "teether" but those new parents even though quite surprised by the intrusion were very thankful to learn about Sophie!
Case 11: L. a bright discreet university assistant recently exposed to Sophie The Giraffe suddenly took Sophie out of her bag in the Teacher's office. All her colleagues were impressed by that bald move. L. herself cannot explain what took over her...until she heard of the Giraffite syndrome.
I am sure the list is not exhaustive! So yes it is a new syndrome, it is worldwide and appears to be easily transmitted but do not worry: no harm will happen because of it. Mostly positive has been noted. (not talking about my nightmare!) The Giraffite is just after the spirit of your childhood.
Should you happen to show symptoms: do share!
I will leave you today with Legolas Greenleaf, not that I am a fan but when imagining the Giraffite I visualized a bow and arrow a la Cupide...and Lord Of the Rings came up of course ^__^
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